Companies either intentionally try to defraud other companies or customers, or they commit mistakes that appear to look fraudulent. In either case, a company needs to consider securing legal representation when accused of fraud.
How to Handle a Commercial Data Breach
Data breaches are the single greatest threat to business continuity today. Companies that range from startups to established enterprises are all targets of criminals who continually find new ways to hack into an organization’s infrastructure.
How to Protect Your Business While Getting Sued
Regardless of the measures that a company takes to mitigate a lawsuit, a disgruntled employee, injured client, or a dissatisfied customer may still bring a claim that threatens the company’s reputation and business continuity.
Suing a Former Employee for Trade Secret Misappropriation
In legal terms, trade secret infringement is referred to as trade secret misappropriation. The misappropriation may happen intentionally or by mistake. In either case, the company may have a right to bring legal action against the offender.
Breach of Express or Implied Warranty Lawsuits
A warranty may be drawn up according to party negotiations or in compliance with the laws that govern warranties. If a seller breaches the warranty, the buyer may have multiple options for filing a claim or a lawsuit.
Trademark and Copyright Infringement Lawsuits
Without legal protection, core elements in an organization may be compromised, threatening a company’s sustainability. While intellectual property is not as tangible as products or services, it is vital to a company’s brand and revenue.
Restrictive Covenants in California
If you have been sued by a former employee for allegedly enforcing restrictive covenants that are considered unreasonable, it is essential for you to consult with a business litigation attorney. Attorney David H. Schwartz can provide you with the strong representation you need.
Fraudulent Misrepresentation
In every business transaction, agreement, or contract, it is essential that all parties involved are acting in good faith. However, if one party provides misleading information or false statements that cause you to enter into a contract, you are within your rights to sue for fraudulent misrepresentation.
Tortious Interference with a Contract or Business Relationship
Whether you have a handshake or formal agreement with another business or individual, if a third party wrongfully interferes with your business relationships, with the intention to cause economic harm, you are within your rights to take legal action.
Breaches of Fiduciary Duty
Business owners usually have people that they trust to act in their best interest under certain circumstances, and it’s no mystery why this is necessary. This legal duty falls upon the hands of someone known as a fiduciary — but what happens if these people exploit their position and take advantage of the trust provided to them?